Charge the Line

First Responder Development



Communication and the New Company Officer

Communication can be one of the greatest challenges for fire service Company Officers. Consequently, communication, whether effective or non-existent, can be the determining factor between life and death. This course provides a general introduction to communicating effectively both in the fire house and on the fire ground. Topics include leadership, communication theory, interpersonal dynamics, and culture management. Through lecture and interactive exercises, students will gain a more in-depth understanding of the challenges and best practices of effective communication.

The Discipline of Communication

Regardless of organization, communication will always present a formidable challenge, especially when constitutional law becomes involved. This course provides theory, case studies, and exercises as well as case law for personnel to better understand proper and professional communications in and out of the departmental setting.


Shoot, Move, Communicate, Survive: HazMat Leadership, Strategies, and Tactics

Although the background of Shoot, Move, Communicate, Survive comes from a military perspective, the lessons learned from these principles can span all organizations (HazMat included). These lessons are not limited to combat, however. Rather, they are practiced in one form or another every day.




Risk Management: The "Go, No Go"

Presenting a basic overview of the risk management process, this training serves as a guide to creating a basic approach when encountering risk. Going into an incident without a plan is not only unwise, but it is also reckless. When human capital is at stake, it is our responsibility to have an operational risk management plan that is systematic and clearly defined.